Sharon Deboer

Southern Oregon

Sharon Deboer
Sharon and Biscuit

Hi, I’m Sharon. I live in Southern Oregon, and am fortunate to be able to provide full time care for my 93 year old mother. Mom still owns the home in Anchorage, Alaska, that she and my dad built, and where I was born and raised. In the summers we commute between Oregon and Alaska so we can enjoy the best of The Last Frontier, but still be in Oregon when the blackberries and peaches are ripe! During the winter, we stay pretty much in Oregon.

Biscuit is my first Airedale. I wish I could say I choose the perfect puppy right out of the gate, but I have to admit instead, that my Airedale chose me. As I sat on the lawn, wondering if there was a puppy that I would be interested in, a little female crawled up on my lap and went to sleep. She went home with me that day. Biscuit is now 6 years old, and she is everything I could have hoped for in a companion and four-legged best friend. She has brought humor, intensity, love and joy to my life as only an Airedale can. I hope that I am at least close to being the human SHE thought I would be!

In the winter my 90 pound Biscuit looks more like an Airedale, because she’s groomed in the standard cut. However, in the summer she sports a “close crop”, so we can enjoy running through the woods, swimming in the river, and just playing outside together. Less time on the grooming table means more time to play – every dog knows THAT!

Quilting is my passion. My first quilt was made about 30 years ago, and I bought my first long arm quilting machine just over 10 years ago. I’m involved in several guilds and quilting groups, and was very pleased to discover that I could combine my love of quilting with my love for Airedales! This year I was responsible for coordinating the finish work on the quilt, tying off all of the threads, sewing on the binding, the label, and adding a sleeve so it can be hung. How rewarding to be able to help Airedales in need by doing what I love!