I am Karen Brown from Gloversville, New York.  I have had the privilege of networking with this wonderful group of quilting Airedalers since spring of 2000.  I am dog mother to Airedales, Gaelan and Shamus, and Norton the geriatric Norwich Terrier.  I am also the partner of Jim, the electrical engineer who is the design genius and clerk of the works for major, do it yourself, remodeling projects designed to test the mettle of this aging quilt maker.  Our current project is a 26’ by 12’ screened porch with multiple, massive hand dug excavations for the foundation. 

My block this year was inspired by Gaelan’s joyful charge across the log and plank bridge that leads across the stream in our back yard.  He is absolutely certain that the wildlife is superior on the other side.  Shamus refuses to consider the bridge as an acceptable route to the woods.  He was not pleased with the request to pose on the end of it for our web page.  Gaelan fell off during the photo session and “Mother Karen” almost joined him.  

I just celebrated my 35th year of managing residential programs for the Fulton County ARC.  I support adults with developmental and mental health challenges.  I can honestly say that I am continuously stimulated, challenged and reinforced by all of the individuals and exceptional staff who I work with. 

I have been able to assist Airedale Rescue of Western New York with home visits and transports.  Gardening and my church family fill up the rest of my time.  I am truly blessed!


   Block drawn by Mary Burns.