is for up.



Jeanette Grantner

Colorado, USA


I am Jeanette Grantner from Canon City, CO.  I have been involved with the Bee since 2005 when I lived in NJ. 

Maggie is now seven and the center of our empty nesters’ lives.  If she isn’t she’ll do something devious or clownish so she is!  She is my personal therapy dog especially this year since I had spinal surgery.  I did the “U” block by hand mostly before surgery. 

Maggie protects our property from the Jack rabbits, the mule tail deer, wolves and coyotes, from the safety of the patio gate.  I like to garden.  It’s a new experience gardening in this semi-arid climate.  Since I not supposed to bend twist or lift my husband took over the gardening, housework, etc.

Maggie is also the official neighborhood watchdog.  The neighbors might not remember our names but they call out “Hi Maggie” when they pass by.