Reese, Forge and Lori.

Lori and her husband, Ron Swisher, were introduced to Airedales in 1996 when they adopted Flo.  In 1999, they adopted Forge.  Lori took obedience and agility classes with Flo.  Flo became a certified therapy dog and they did many visits to nursing homes in the area.  On April 9, 2006, Flo suddenly succumbed to splenic hemangiosarcoma, a symptomless, untreatable cancer.  We continue to miss her terribly.  Ron trains Forge for hunt tests and they have experienced success in fur tracking, upland flushing and land/water retrieving.  Ron also hunts with Forge, for pheasant and ruffed grouse.  Forge was 8 on May 2, 2007.  On July 19, 2006, Ron, Forge and Lori brought home a little 8-week-old Airegirl who they named Reese.  Forge remains less than enamoured with his new little “sister” despite Reese’s constant attention.  Training Reese has been quite a challenge but Ron is making progress and Lori continues the formal obedience classes.

When we decided on the circus theme, my imagination immediately conjured up an image of an Airedale shooting another Airedale out of a cannon.  And, so, I presented my idea to the quilting bee and that became my block.


Block drawn by Lori Taylor.