Jeanette Grantner - Little Red Riding Hood

Jeanette Grantner
Colorado, USA






   Little Red Riding Hood  

Fiber Artist: Jeanette Grantner
Linda Hobbet





I am Jeanette Grantner from Canon City, CO.  I
have been involved with the Bee since 2005 when
I lived in New Jersey.

Maggie is now six and the center of our empty
nesters’ lives.  If she isn’t she’ll do something
devious or clownish so she is!  She is my
personal therapy dog. She makes me laugh by her antics. Maggie shares my attention with my
husband Len now retired three years.  We are so
busy being retired we never get anything done! 
I think I’m on a perpetual vacation looking out
my windows at the mountains.

I loved doing this block (Little Red Riding Hood)
as I had always hoped to dress Maggie as “Little
Red Riding Hood” for Halloween.  Her first and
only costume was a jester’s collar with bells. 
She ate the bells off the tips of the collar.  After
that I wasn’t inspired to sew for her! 
Maggie protects our property from the Jack
rabbits, the mule tail deer, and coyotes from the
safety of the patio gate.  I like to garden.  It’s a
new experience gardening in this semi-arid
climate.  I had planted 75 daffodils last fall.  If
I have ten blooming flowers this spring it’s a
blessing.  The rabbits ate most of greenery that
popped out of the earth this spring!  We had a
very dry winter besides.

Maggie is also the official neighborhood watchdog.  The neighbors might not remember our names but they call out “Hi Maggie” when they pass by.  She sits at the fence keeping tabs on the activity in the street in the morning. 








Designed by Holly and Jessica Coes