

Web Pages - Holly Coes 

Holly lives in North Bay, Ontario, Canada with her teenage daughter and a furkid - Ginger (an Airedale of course).  Holly is the artist behind the scenes, keeping our private Bee website up and current with all the projects that we're doing. 

Did you know that it takes almost a full year from start to finish to create a quilt for our rescue fundraisers?

Without Holly around - I'd pull my hair out and run screaming into the night.

She has a can do attitude and always surprises us with contemporary websites.

She is very dedicated to helping the Bee with these fundraisers. Holly has been a Beekeeper along with me for so many years, I can't count them.  She helps me keep the deadlines for each part of the projects, keeps track of who is doing what and actually what I'm suppose to be doing.   :)

Jeri Langman - Quilting Bee Project Manager

Now go buy some tickets so this quilt can be yours.