Airdalennium: Keeping Us in Stitches for 100 Years

"Schutzhund: Clancy and Wiz tracking the elusive Cheshire Cat"

Photo of Quilt Block

Artist:   Eileen Tedesco

Media:   Appliqué and hand embroidery

Artist's comments:

The block depicts the Schutzhund tracking phase. Although they can't see the Cheshire Cat hiding in the cloud, the intrepid Airedales have managed to track him down. Invisibilty can't fool them.

Artist's bio:

Wiz (Aragorn's Wiz) and Clancy (M and R's Leapyear's Leprechaun) are our first Airedales. Wiz is 11 and is my first attempt at obedience. We spent 9 years at Obedience Class and actually got one leg on his CD (a very kind judge that day). Wiz thought being off lead in the Obedience Ring meant it was time to visit with the stewards or to find some shade for lounging. He's spending his retirement on the couch or in the kitchen waiting for a snack.

Clancy is 4 and my first show dog. We got 2 points on his title before deciding that I was not a very good handler and that he preferred to be home protecting the yard from birds, rabbits, and squirrels.

When not tending to the Airedales' carrot garden, I work as a programmer for IBM. The 1999 Rescue Quilt was my first quilting attempt. The 2000 Quilt is my second attempt.