How Much Time?

Christie Williams asked the Quilting Bee:

Would each person be able to estimate how long they spent on their block(s)?
Ok. I've been thinking about this....Let's say you include the amount of time it took you to locate that/those special fabric(s), add in the time to drive all the way to that shop you try so hard to stay away from because once you get in there you know "They *know* you have a *problem* and selecting just 1 or 2 items IS NOT the problem. Hence you spend more time than it should take because you end up going crazy playing with all the newest threads and floss and yarns. Then there's the wiping off the drool which is seeping from your lips in anticipation of actually doing something with these loveliest of things which you *must have*, to which you add the length of time to quickly tally your check book to ensure you have enough money in your account to cover this transaction. Add to that the length of time it took you to excitedly tell whomever was at home *all about* your shopping experience (this need not be a human by the way) and the beautiful things the shop has added! Add in now the hours to locate the graph paper, a pencil with a point, an eraser and a comfortable chair (sans dog or cat) that is close to a light with a bright bulb. FORGET DINNER. For that matter, forget making a decent meal for several days which you should deduct from the amount of time it has now taken you just to get prepared for this project! Add the hours you sketch, sketch, re-sketch that design you have in your head but cannot get on the paper. Add the hours of sleep you lost reworking a particular part of the design. Add the amount of time it takes to now RELOCATE the needles you just had! Now clear the chair again. Do not add in the hours spent while at your *real job* even if your mind is wandering from what is in front of you to what you'd rather be doing. Naturally add every single second you swear at your mistakes and rip out yet another stitch. Add the time spent explaining to your spouse AGAIN exactly what it is you are "creating." Add your time stepping back and trying to identify the objects on your square. Hmmm. How many times did you repeat "Now those are....." and convince yourself others will think the same thing. More time actually spent working the stitches and then the time worrying about the deadline. Precious minutes spent trying to find those mailing instructions. At least another hour, or 2 or 3... going over your square with the best critic's eye. Time to get it boxed, labeled and shipped. And then the time spent worrying about if it will reach its destination, what will the recipient think, and just how many hours have we all spent reviewing our square once it was up on the webpage? Now, I ask you: EXACTLY HOW MUCH TIME IS THAT? I don't have a clue!!

~ Judie
©Copyright 2000 Judie Burcham Uhl.  All rights reserved. This article is reprinted with the permission of Judie Burcham Uhl.