Karen Brown

Gloversville, New York

Karen Brown

I am Karen Brown from Gloversville, New York in the Foothills of the Adirondacks. My two beautiful terriers are Rush and Harrigan Garth. Rush was adopted as a two year old from a friend who had a litter of puppies. He had retained Rush and a female to consider showing. He ultimately decided to keep the female and gave Rush to me. It brought us full circle from the Airedale puppy I had given him in 1975 when he was 13.

Harrigan is a Norwich Terrier. He came from D and D Norwich Terriers in Pennsylvania. He feels it is his responsibility to keep Rush’s life interesting.

Rush, Harrigan and I share our home with my partner, Jim. Jim retired last June from 39 years of helping to keep our submarine fleet operating smoothly. Jim can fix or build virtually anything, which comes in extremely handy renovating our 1830’s farm house and outbuildings. I just celebrated my 41st year working with the Fulton County ARC. The majority of that time has been spent as a Residential Director working with individuals who have a developmental or mental health diagnosis.

I have been a member of the Airedale Terrier Quilting Bee since 2000. It is a thrill to work with this creative and talented group of women who are passionate about Airedales.