Delia Hardie
Delia grew up with dogs, but was not introduced to Airedales until her college years. It was then that her parents got an Airedale after they had to put down their aging and sick Labrador retriever. With one of her first paychecks after college, Delia bought her first Airedale and this dog started it all.
Delia started into rescue shortly after she bought her first house when she was approached to take an Airedale from a lady in New York/New Jersey who disappeared leaving a number of Airedales, Lakeland Terriers and Norwich Terriers. A number of years later Delia met Phyllis Madaus, who was living in New Orleans at the time. As with so many Airedalers, Phyllis was instrumental in getting Delia interested in “The Airedale Cause.” Not long after that Phyllis moved to Florida, getting a whole new group of people interested in Airedales, but not without leaving a huge Airedale imprint on Delia.
Over the years Delia went to Dog Shows with Phyllis and met volunteers who do rescue. Delia finally went to an ATCA rescue committee meeting at Montgomery County in the early days before National Airedale Rescue was formed. Sometime after that Zana Curley and Delia teamed up to help Airedales in Louisiana. When Delia lost her 15-year old Airedale to cancer (one that she purchased when Phyllis took Delia to see a litter nearby on The Mississippi Gulf Coast – just to look), Phyllis encouraged her to take a rescue Airedale out of Dallas, Texas. Ashley turned out to be Delia’s heart dog. She was laid back and kind of houndy, but most of all she was an outstanding Animal assisted therapy dog. She had terrible separation anxiety and thunder phobia, so Delia bought a male Airedale as a companion. He turned out to be a show dog, now retired with a title. Two more Airedales joined their household when at different times they had some major injuries which made them hard to place. Collectively they are known as the Noladales. Delia and the Noladales have had to evacuate from New Orleans several times due to hurricanes. The most difficult evacuation was for Hurricane Katrina in 2005. The outpouring of well wishes and offers of help from Airedale people was overwhelming. Airedale people are the greatest! Special thanks have to go out to the Airedale rescue people in the Dallas area. They went over and above to help Delia and the Noladales find a house to rent and to acquire furnishings for it. Several years ago Delia joined the National Airedale Rescue Board as a Consultant and 2 years ago became Secretary.
Ashley, the grand dame of The Noladales crossed the rainbow bridge in March of 2009.
Delia's professional career started in the pre-Personal Computer (PC) days when the mainframe computers took up large rooms and had to have special air-conditioning. Moving into the world of personal computers, servers and the internet in the later years, Delia’s expertise was in the design and implementation of computer systems to pay health insurance claims.
In addition to Airedale Rescue, Delia’s time in retirement is spent volunteering on the working board of managers of a local nursing home and doing New Orleans recovery work with her mention just a couple of the things which keep her busy.