Your tax-deductible donation will support the efforts of Airedale Rescue volunteers as they work to rescue, rehabilitate and place homeless Airedales in forever homes.

To make a general, honorary, memorial or CoverDale donation using your credit card (you don't have to have a PayPal account), click on one of the following Donate buttons.

General Donation

Make a donation to help homeless Airedales!

Joey Fineran Memorial Senior Fund Donation

Make a donation to the Joey Fineran Memorial Senior Fund to provide care, housing, and other necessary services to homeless senior Airedales and to senior Airedales that have been adopted where assistance is needed by the human to help maintain the lifestyle of the Senior Airedale (such as: special medications, supplements, dental care).

Grace J. Sibley Memorial Fund Donation

Make a donation to the Grace J. Sibley Memorial Fund to provide training for Airedales in rescue that need more training than the foster home is able to provide in order to be adoptable.  

Bailey Guillory Memorial Fund Donation

Make a donation to the Bailey Guillory Memorial Fund to help with the cost of medical diagnostics, medications and treatments of Airedales in need
Disaster Fund
Make a donation to the National Airedale Rescue Disaster Fund.
In Memory
You can send a memorial gift to mark the death of a loved person or Airedale. Once you have made your donation, send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to let us know the following: 1) The name of the deceased person or Airedale, 2) The name AND address of the person who should receive the acknowledgement card, 3) How you would like the notification to read.
In Honor
Give a gift in honor of a special occasion or make someone know that they're loved by giving an honorary gift in their name. Once you have made your donation, send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.t to let us know: 1) The person or occasion you are celebrating, 2) The name AND address of the person who should receive the acknowledgement card, 3) How you would like the notification to read.
In exchange for a $25 donation to National Airedale Rescue, Inc., your favorite picture of a rehomed purebred Airedale Terrier will be featured on the front page of the website for one week. Click here for more information.
 June Dutcher Memorial
In exchange for a $100 donation to National Airedale Rescue, Inc., you can have a brass plate placed on the June Dutcher Memorial. Click here for more information.


$10.00 each month

Donate automatically each month, quarter or year; cancel any time by returning here, or through your PayPal account
$10.00 each quarter

$10.00 each year

$15.00 each month

$15.00 each quarter
$15.00 each year

$25.00 each month

$100.00 each month
$25.00 each quarter
$100.00 each quarter
$25.00 each year
$100.00 each year

Donate with PayPal or Credit Card


Click here for other ways to donate

Airedale Information

The ATCA Rescue & Adoption Committee maintains and updates a network of contacts across the country to aid in the re-homing of purebred Airedale Terriers who are lost or abandoned. These contacts are volunteers located in several states, as well as Canada, working to help Airedales in need, adopting them to permanent loving homes.
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