Gena Booher has often shared her talent for capturing the mischief, mood, and motion of the Airedale terrier by designing blocks for Quilters. She has also sewn blocks for a few of the quilts.  She is a teacher by trade and by calling, and hopes all of her students, whether human, canine, or equine, will find joy in learning.

Pictured are Highlander's Paddy, Sophie, and Gena, ready to set out on an adventure.  Airedale Bellona (Goddess of Chaos and Destruction) doesn't particularly care for driving, but Sophie loves it!  Liberty Masterpiece, Gena's mare, is in her paddock expressing her displeasure that Padman gets to go for a jaunt while she is left at home. 

Gena lives outside Ocala, Florida and teaches 5th grade.