Rocket Duff
Rocket (Rocketman) came to us (a rescue owner surrender) as a bundle of wild and crazy energy. By the time he might have been adoptable he had endeared himself to us so he became a permanent addition to Duff’s Dale Dude Ranch. Rocket’s energy was limitless but he kept our yard free of all sorts of critters (important when you live in the mountains). He was a special pal to husband Will and enthusiastically joined him on trips to the “transfer station”…which is where you take trash when you live in the mountains…. Head out the window…ears flying…Rocket would start whining when he saw Will hook up the trailer for the trip. How lonely that trip will be now.
Rocket loved hikes in the mountains and alerted us to anyone traveling down our dead end road.
He died like he lived, very fast and always surprising. We miss him so.
Mom and Pops