National Airedale Rescue pin

  • Goldtone Enamel Lapel Pin or Tie Tack- 1 3/8'
  • Artwork by Nan Hamilton

NAR pin  --->

$7.50 (includes U.S. shipping)

Want to pay by check?

You can also send a check made out to "National Airedale Rescue"

When sending a check, be sure to note what items you are ordering and their quantities and include your email address and/or telephone number in case of questions.

Mail your check to:

National Airedale Rescue
8524 Maggie Ave.
Las Vegas, NV 89143

  • Not in the U.S. and want to order?
  • Questions?
contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Thank you for your support of Airedale Rescue!
The sale of these items benefit the efforts of
National Airedale Rescue

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In Case Of Emergency

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Airedale Information

National Airedale Rescue, Inc., is a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation and is the Official Treasury of the Airedale Terrier Club of America (ATCA) Rescue & Adoption Committee. Funds donated to National Airedale Rescue, Inc. are distributed on an as-needed basis to Airedale Rescue volunteers and groups who have agreed to abide by the Airedale Terrier Club of America Rescue & Adoption Committee policies and guidelines.

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