Photo Credit: Judy Smith-Kressley
(Click on photo to see larger version)
And the winner is ........... Susan Haney! Not only did Susan contribute a
block to the quilt, but she was actually holding the quilt in the center of the
sweepstakes ring as the winning ticket was drawn at the National Specialty on
October 7, 2000!
Thank you to everyone involved in this project. Generous Airedale and quilt
lovers all over the world contributed more than $9,000 to Airedale Rescue
through the purchase of raffle tickets. Thank you!!
The quilt was part of a quilt exhibit at the American Kennel Club Museum of
the Dog October-December, 2001.
The individual quilt blocks
More Pictures of the Quilt
The ADT Rescue Quilt 2000 effort was ramrodded by Christie Williams and the
committee of Geri Lowe, Abbe Stashower, Chris Zane and Linda Cunningham. The
quilt features a circular center medallion of the Airedale Terrier Club
America's centennial logo. The medallion is surrounded by four large 20"
blocks portraying the versatility of Airedales as they participate in ATCA-
and AKC-sanctioned events: conformation, obedience, hunting and working, and
agility. The outside edges of the quilt consist of twenty 10" blocks, each
created by an individual designer to highlight the exploits and (mis-)deeds
of Airedales during the past 100 years.
ADT Quilters who helped sew Quilt 2000: Mari Whitmer, Judy Manlove and
Donna Engeldt, Nanci Nowlen, Helen Arnold, Eileen Tedesco, Sandy Armour, Judy
Dwiggins, Tina Long, Karen Williams, Susan Haney, Denise Lucas, Connie Turner,
Donna Noland, Stephanie Coulshaw, Carolyn Finlayson, Stacey Logan, Judie
Burcham Uhl, Lori Taylor, Linda Cunningham, Chris Zane, Geri Lowe and Christie
How did we name our quilt? We had a contest, of course.
Read about it here
The winner of the "Courageous Quilters Contest" is Stephanie Coulshaw for
"Hunting the Water Rat"
This was Stephanie's first attempt at doing curved piecing and free motion
embroidery and she did a great job! Be sure to click on the link to see the
block and read the story behind it and about the artist.
The winner of the "Best Working Block Contest" is Christie Williams for
"Hunting & Working: Upland Bird Flushing"
Be sure to click on the link to see the
block and read the story behind it and about the artist.
The winners of the "Most Hysterical Block Contest" are Judy Manlove and Donna
Engeldt Laubscher
"I'll Take Mine Raw"
Be sure to click on the link to see the block and read the story behind it.
The winner of the "Best Historical Block Contest" is
Judie Burcham Uhl
(with artistic input from husband, Brian) for
Celebrating 2000 - A New Aire-a
Be sure to click on the link to see the
block and read the story behind it and about the artist.
Do you wonder how much time it took the quilters to make their blocks? Read
Judie Burcham Uhl's very funny (and accurate)
answer to the question