Faulkner Costa
Faulkner - 7/25/00 - 11/8/13
I first met this special boy when he was a week old and didn't have his eyes open. He fit in the palms of my hands! He came home with me when he was 9 weeks old and has been my special boy since. He lost his battle with cancer today and fought valiantly until the end. But, he was tired and ready to join his best friend Atticus (@RB 12/19/06). Atticus was my first rescue and he and Faulkner were inseparable. Faulkner truly missed him after he was gone. Through Faulkner, I got involved in Airedale Terrier Rescue and have met so many wonderful caring people as a result. Faulkner was your stereotypical Airedale - full of mischief with a great sense of humor. I always took him on home visits to meet with applicants because if they laughed at Faulkner's antics, I knew they were true Airedale people.
He was a very curious boy and adventurous. He actually jumped up on Anne Wilson's roof from a low point in the back and walked across the ridge of the roof before I got him to hop off again. I took Faulkner to puppy obedience and he did great but that wasn't the case with adult obedience. He made a grand entrance to our first class by escaping his collar and trying to get three dogs to play with him before I was able to grab him. The instructor decided he was anything but the star pupil and used us as an example of how your dog should not behave. Needless to say, we basically flunked the class.
There are many stories of all of his antics over the years. As he aged, he became quite the gentleman. I always thought that if he were a human, he'd wear a tweed sports coat and bow tie. He's been with me through all the ups and downs of the past 13 years and there's a huge void right now. I miss him terribly and letting him go was one of the hardest decisions I've had to make but also the right decision for him. He's now running free with his best buddy. RIP Faulkner, Pooh Bear, the Prince - I'll always love you.
The photos displayed here were taken at 7 weeks (puppy shot), 4 months (lower left), Atticus and Faulkner (lower right), and in September 2013 (top).