National Airedale Rescue has changed the name of the Senior Fund to the Joey Fineran Memorial Senior Fund in memory of Airedale rescue icon, Joey Fineran.  The seniors held a special place in Joey's heart and she would often take them in herself to care for them.  Monies will be used to provide care, housing, and other necessary services to the senior Airedales who find themselves homeless and in need of our help.

The Joey Fineran Memorial Senior Airedale Fund is supported solely by donations.  It is used to help pay for necessary medical care of Airedales aged ten and over in Rescue.  With National Airedale Rescue committee approval, medical expenses can be funded so that senior Airedales may remain in loving homes that lack the means to pay for necessary medical procedures.


If you would like to make a donation to the Joey's special Fund, please make your check payable to National Airedale Rescue, Inc., and note in the memo section that it is for the Joey Fineran Memorial Senior Fund.

Send your check to:

National Airedale Rescue, Inc.
ATTN: Rusty LaFrance, Treasurer
8524 Maggie Avenue
Las Vegas, NV 89143

You can also make a donation by PayPal or credit card by clicking the "Donate" button below.


The Joey Fineran Memorial Senior Fund is meant to assist with the expenses of Senior Airedales in rescue and, in special cases, Senior Airedales that have been adopted.

A Senior Airedale is defined as one rescued at age 8 or older. The Joey Fineran Memorial Senior Fund is limited and no money expended on behalf of a Senior Airedale is guaranteed to be reimbursed, as is the case with any Airedale in need. The Joey Fineran Memorial Senior Fund follows the existing guidelines established by The ATCA Rescue & Adoption Committee for the assistance of an Airedale in need as indicated in this document.

  • The Board will consider requests for funds to assist with the expenses of a Senior Airedale that has been adopted and is living in its forever home where assistance is needed by the human to help maintain the lifestyle of the Senior Airedale (such as: special medications, supplements, dental care).
  • Reimbursement Vouchers for supplements, dental care, minor surgeries and special needs items for a Senior Airedale living out its remaining years in a long-term Foster Care situation may also be considered by the Board. All requests for reimbursement must be received within three months of the date the expense was incurred.
  • The Board is unable to approve any extreme intervention care for a Senior Airedale at this time (such as: chemotherapy, blood transfusions) as the funds are limited.
  • When expensive treatment is being considered, the request for assistance should be made in advance; a requirement we make of all Airedales in need to ensure that funds will be available. The request should include a written estimate on the veterinarian's letterhead, which includes the following:o Your full name
          o Airedale's name
          o Diagnosis
          o Prognosis
          o Complete breakdown of costs, including any charges for follow up care.
          o The urgency of the Airedale's condition
  • When a request for funds has been approved, the Treasurer must be notified as soon as the procedure has been scheduled. Invoices for a pre-approved expense must be received within thirty (30) days of approval. If invoices are not received within that time, the funds set aside will be redistributed to the Joey Fineran Memorial Senior Fund.
  • The Joey Fineran Memorial Senior Fund is not here as a convenience for those who would simply rather have someone else pay their bills. Owners of Senior Airedales should also explore other sources for assistance, including their veterinarian --many veterinarians will work with patients on a payment plan, private fundraisers, loans from family and friends, and care credit

Please contact the Treasurer with the information outlined above to apply for a grant to the Joey Fineran Memorial Senior Fund:

Rusty LaFrance
Click Here to Email

Senior Fundraiser Honor Roll List of Donors

Thank you for your help!


Donate with PayPal or Credit Card


Click here for other ways to donate

Airedale Information

Each year several hundred Airedales find their way into rescue and begin new lives.  Because of the generous support of donors like you, National Airedale Rescue, Inc. is able to assist with the financial needs of Airedale rescue organizations throughout the United States and Canada each year so these great dogs continue to find loving homes.  We appreciate your donations!

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