Gabbie Talusan

Gabbie was our first Airedale.  She wasn't a rescue -- she came to us through a reputable breeder and we saw her through her championship and 2 litters of pups.  We were so in love with Airedales by that point, that we kept a pup out of each litter and our hands were full with three Airedales running around.  She was everything you could ask for in an Airedale -- lots of sass, attitude, spunk, smarts, loyalty, stubbornness, a clown and a best friend.

She was there when my husband and I met, saw me through graduation with my masters degree, was there for our wedding and the day that we brought home our newborn son.   Those 10 1/2 years went by so fast that there isn't a moment when I can't remember her not being there.   She was there through lots of laughter, joy, tears, and any other mood that you can think of.   She came on so many road trips, thousands of walks, romps in the park, and watched countless hours of TV just laying by my side.  She loved playing frisbee, loved NOT playing fetch (she would chase after the ball, stop and stare at it….and would wait for me to go get it), loved sticking her head out of the car window, loved sitting beside me, loved going through her trick routine to get a treat, loved counter surfing, loved watching me cook in case I dropped something, loved playing with her pups, loved waiting by the door for someone to come through the door and loved getting petted, scratched, kissed and belly rubbed. She was just filled with so much love.   The day that we saw her off to the Rainbow Bridge, she was surrounded by her two favorite humans -- petting her, kissing her, hugging her and telling her how much we loved her.   We showered her with love right up until the end and are still loving her, even though she is gone.   She'll always be in our hearts and our memories.  Gabbie, we miss and love you so much.

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Airedale Information

National Airedale Rescue, Inc., is a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation and is the Official Treasury of the Airedale Terrier Club of America (ATCA) Rescue & Adoption Committee. Funds donated to National Airedale Rescue, Inc. are distributed on an as-needed basis to Airedale Rescue volunteers and groups who have agreed to abide by the Airedale Terrier Club of America Rescue & Adoption Committee policies and guidelines.

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