2007 Memorials and Tributes
Dorothy Duff - In memory of Rugby, companion Airedale to Ellana Livermore |
Christine Sheffer - In memory of Jake, the beloved friend of Riley and Brin. Although not an Airedale, Jake was best buddies to an Airedale rescue boy. He taught Riley the rules and ropes in the all too short time that they had together. Jake will be missed by the entire Kobrin family. |
John & Edna Ball - In Memory of Ted Moore |
Anonymous - Max - Beloved four-legged loved one to Deb and her family. |
Joey Warren - In memory of the best dad ever, Roger Lien |
Elana and Douglas Gould - In memory of Harry Ryden |
Delia Hardie and the NOLAdales would like to thank Marilyn Doudt for the many years that she has devoted to needy Airedales and Airedale people. She rallied the Airedale people in the Dallas area when my four Airedales and I needed temporary housing when we evacuated to Dallas from Katrina in 2005. Thank you for all you do and have done for Airedales. Delia Hardie and The NOLAdales |
In Memory of Argus TOO March 1, 1995 - July 11, 2005 |
Christine Shintani - In memory of Tucker Plumb |
Stephanie Wiles - In memory of Amelia Earhart Wiles and in honor of my mother, Jan Wiles, for her commitment to the cause. As the grief of Amelia's passing lessens, I know the void she has left will be filled by another needing and deserving Rescue Dale. |
In Memory of Marilyn Doudt |
Christine Piro - Dedicated to Dean Lewis O'Hollaren Sr. |
Lisa Nettleton - In memory of Amelia Wiles |
Mary Ann Walker - In Memory of Mette Marie Deller |
Morrie Picking - In Honor of Frances Martin |
Steve Gomes and Linda Bell - In honor of "Ginger" |
Mindy Burgess (Sam & Abby) - In Memory of Sophie Halleck |
Drew & Katie Kircher - In honor of Alison Lang |
Corey Carnegie - In Memory of "Dale" |
Lisa Hammond and Family - In Memory of Dick Trapp |
Joey Warren - In loving memory of Stevie Barrett, a very good dog |
Cynthia Berner - In honor of Odie and Penny ~ our Airedales: Thanks for all you do for such a wonderful breed |
Anonymous donation in Honor of Bill Koslowe on Father's Day |
Stacey Sell -- In Honor of Tom Sell |
Rita Ferrer - Memorial Gift for Dolly Gade. Beloved by Milt and Mary |
Patches Radosta - In Memory of Two Airedales who died from canine Influenza ... Simon & Abby |
Kerry, Kent, Sammy and Pumpkin Walker - in memory of Scout Herman |
Mary Ellen Griffith - In memory of Britt, who gave all of us many years of laughter and love. |
For Doug & Cedra in memory of Brody, from Juliet & Danny |
From the Board of Directors of National Airedale Rescue - In Memory of Shane Fineran |
Christine and Tim Sheffer - Memorial for Otis Sanborn. Milo and Otis were always a beach loving pair o' dales. |
Christine Sheffer - In Memory of Argyle nee Super Sam-- Tim Sheffer's all time favorite foster and all around super dog! |
Sandy and Barry Emerson - In Memory of Montgomery "Monty" Karris |
Laurie and Patrick Keating - In Memory of Sir Snickers Big Trouble |
Christine Sheffer - In Memory of Knute Ashton |
Chris and Maria Whittle - Dedicated to Chester Bear Lewis |
Laurie Winton -- Dedicated to Bobbie Fakkema |
Dina Chernick - In Loving Memory of Stella and Oona |
Glenn and Beth Marron - In memory of Lucy |
Patrick and Laurie Keating - In memory of Sir Snickers Big Trouble - His birthday was October 19 |
Esther and Sid Kallner -- In Memory of John Urbach |
Evelyn C. Walker and Wells -- In Memory of Sasha Browning |
Mary and Walt Reams -- In Honor of Molly of Arizona |
Kristina Krumdick - In Memory of Paddy Close |
Sidney Hardie, Jack and Rose -- In Memory of Gus Williams -- We will miss you, "El Guso" |
A donation in honor of Neko the Birthday Dog has been made to the National Airedale Rescue Center by Denise and Paige. Happy Birthday Nekes! |
Jeffrey Close - In Memory of Paddy |
Kathleen Hyzer - Dedicated to Murphy the Dog |
In memory of Toby Blair of the Bay City Six. Thank you Erin for loving this Airedale that was so in need. What a fortunate Airedale he was. From Dorothy Dunn Duff and Toby (hanging on) |
Robin Elizabeth Parsley - in memory of A.D., the best clown ever. |
Anonymous Donation dedicated to Lynn, Kathy and Candace Jones |
Karen Koskinas - Dedicated to Beth Reed |
Merry Christmas to Ann M. Randle and Greta from The Ruffee Family |
Lisa Andersen -- Dedicated to Rich Sandell |
Christel Hughes - In Memory of Mary Beasom |
CeCe and Baron and Tim and Christine Sheffer - In Memory of Bristol Sheffer - 12.5 wonderful Airedale years |
Harriett Kimball - In Honor of Pam McGarry |
Michael, Monica, Justin and Ty Gentry - In Honor of Lynn Jennings |
Mary Rafferty - In Honor of Chuck and Lucky the Airedale |
Elizabeth Berry - In Honor of ET the Extra Terrier and Tallydale's Miss Jasmine |
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