Brodie Theodore

Brodie (right) and Missy
Brodie of New Mexico
Circa 1995 - 2005
Brodie's story is a sad one save for the last year of his life. Brodie had lived chained outside a run down mobile home for most of his life. When the home was abandoned we were called to come get Brodie and his little friend Missy. What a horrible sight it was but we all know the Airedale resilience and Brodie and Missy jumped in the car eagerly anticipating their new life.
From sketchy vet records we obtained we knew Brodie was 10 and Missy's age was unknown but the vet thought she was about the same age. Brodie and Missy came to live at what we fondly refer to as Duff's Dale Dude Ranch. From early spring and into the summer Brodie and Missy lived as foster dogs with my husband and myself. They enjoyed the cool mountain air and lots of space to play but most of all they loved coming in the house and would leap into their crates every night at bedtime. Because they were so attached to each other (especially Brodie) we felt it was not fair or in their best interest to separate them. As a result we had few inquiries about adopting the pair.
Then an Airedale Angel came along, Trisha Theodore. Trisha, a long time Airedale Rescue volunteer, is the savior of senior Airedales having previously adopted another senior, only to lose her to cancer. Trisha took Brodie and Missy into her home in the fall and two Airedales have never been happier. Trisha catered to their every need with new beds, regular grooming, wonderful meals and a doggy door so they could come in and out as they pleased. But most of all she heaped love and attention on them.
It takes a very special person to devote heart, mind and soul to the care of our aging Airedale companions. She gave Brodie the very best, which allowed him to be affectionate and playful up to the very end.
A fellow rescuer said this about Trisha and those like her:
"People who can take in the old ones and allow their hearts to be broken over and over in order to give the oldsters the blessing of a good life for their last days, however many or few, are the special angels of rescue."
We extend our affection and admiration to Trisha and all those like her who give so much to creatures who have had so little.
With Trisha and Brodie in mind we want to establish a memorial for Brodie and all the seniors like him. Please consider a donation however small. All donations will go into the Airedale Senior Fund rescue project.
Dorothy Dunn Duff
New Mexico Airedale Rescue
Thank you to the following who have donated to the "Brodie Fund for Senior Airedales."
Dorothy Duff
Christine Sheffer
Rick and Randi Theobald
For Brodie, in the names of Duke and Hannah
the two senior airedales that spent their final time with me.
Rita Ferrer
Thanking those who enabled Brodie and Missy
to live together in a happy forever home.
Cherry Welsh
Sherry Shelton
Jerri McDonnell and our Senior Dales -
Lilly & April - gone over Rainbow Bridge.
Thank you Trisha for your love and devotion
to these deserving Airedales.
Wendy Atkinson
Tom and Cindy Dwyer
Thanks to Trisha for making Brodie's last year a loving and happy one.
May his star shine brightly in the night sky.
Lydia and Alice Ross
Marilyn Doudt
Trish is a wonderful parent to her dogs,
and we are so glad Brodie got to spend time in a loving home.
Candace & Reza Novbakhtian
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