2019 Memorials and Tributes
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- Mary O'Connell - in Memory of Cathy Biersack's beloved Wojo and Harry
- Barbara Armstrong - In memory of Maisey Sexton
- Brittany & Robert Fyvolent, In Memory of Duchess
- Taja Hall, Stephanie Bilodeau, and Emily Cook - In the memory of Chloe, and the love she shared with Ashley Adams
- Barbara Bonfield - For the Sibley Training Fund in memory of Melissa's Super Jack. Rest in Peace, Jack xoxo
- Kelley Jewell - In memory of Elliott, my adorable, funny, cuddly Airedale. I will forever love you, and can't wait to see you again.
- Kathryne Rita Keneghan Estate - In memory of Rita Keneghan
- In Memory of James M. "Mick" Younkins
- Dianna and Randy Eberhardt
- Erica and Charles Burg
- Debra and James Younkins
- Philip and Louise Weinberger
- Sidney Hardie - in Memory of Yoko Duff......Big Sister to Ali and Gunnar. Companion to Will and Dorothy
- Lance and Jennifer Puckett - In loving memory of Magnolia May McChesney - she gave so much love and joy to her mommy (Katie) for 14 1/2 years
- Donation in Buddy Barnett's name, the little wire fox terrier of Karen Barnett Fergeson that was stolen from his yard on Vanentine's Day. From the donors that contributed to his reward fund.
- Jana Thor - . In memory of Toby, a beloved Airedale who enjoyed the beach, chasing balls and sometimes rabbits, and long walks. He left behind Tara (Airedale), & David and Phyllis Sarkaria.
- John Kwiatkowski - In memory of Tom Ostrander
- Katy Ratliff - In memory of Tom Ostrander
- Dr. Jessica Rabin - In memory of Seamus Lathrop
- Barbara Bonfield - In Memory of Cathie's Roxie
- Lydia Ross - in Honor of Pam Vandergrift's birthday
- Christian & Shannon Seckler Nakata - In Memory of Liberty, whom we miss dearly
- V'Lou Oliveira - In Memory of Sidney Ramey
- Marco Goncalves - in Memory of Diesel
- Barbara Armstrong - in Memory of "Maisey" Sexton
- Jennifer Hagel - in Memory of Bailey, Angus, Cody, Aries and Mars
- Mary Lou O'Keefe - Christmas present in honor of Delia Hardie
- Leo Rotstein - Joey Fineran Memorial Senior Airedale Fund - in memory of Bentley
- Kay Krause - in Memory of Jim Krause, who loved everything Airedale.
- Mark Anderson - in Honor of Susan Long, a repeat Airedale rescuer
- Pistell Family - in Memory of Dexter