2007 Quilt Project
Week of the Airedale
To read about
each block, the quilters and artist - click on each block picture.
Created by the
Airedale Quilting Bee as a fundraiser for ATCA's Rescue Committee's
National Rescue Funds.
This is the second
quilt created by the Airedale Quilting Bee for a WOTA event. The
quilters wanted to pay tribute to the Airedale's great versatility and
great can-do attitude. We hope that you, the Airedale-lovers, will
enjoy this quilt, want this quilt and buy lots of tickets, since all
monies from the ticket sales will be given to the Rescue Committee in
order to help the rescue efforts of all the Rescue teams throughout the
United States.
To be
Raffled at the WOTA in Newark, Ohio -- March 31, 2007 after the Sweeps!
Linda Sorak was the winner of "Vers-airedale-ity".
Carol Lumley won second prize; the
Airedale Butler and basket of goodies.
Visit other quilts created by the Airedale Quilting Bee
1999 - The Beginning
2000 - Airedalennium
2001 - Airedale Antics and Faire Seasons
2002 - Friends for Life
2003 - Home at Last (Week
of the Airedale)
2003 - Annette's House
2004 - Airelifted
Waitin’ for Aunt Lydia’s Kookies
The Ones that Got Away
2005 - Howlidays
Postcard from the Edge
Face Off
2006 - Friends
Partners in Crime
Country Cousins
- Vers-Airedale-ity for Week of the Airedale (Week
of the Airedale)
Webpages by: Jeri Langman
and Holly Coes |