Watson Brennan
Joyce Stadele
Zachary Ross
Brodie Theodore
Sussex Hills Kennel Club in memory of Peggy Ayers
Kathryn Eleveld - Tribute in honor of my friend's birthday. She is Jan Wiles, Oklahoma Airedale Rescue Coordinator.
Max Arnold
Waldo Ferrer
Valerie Bausch -- In memory to a loving companion...Ms. KD.
Bill Fineran
Cristine A. Ruckman and Donald L. Pett: In loving memory of Feisty (7/24/90 Gillette, WY- 10/25/03 Billings, MT). Although Feisty was not a rescue Airedale, she rescued us.
Donations in Memory of David Nevin
Emily Sweeney -- in memory of Bentley an Airedale who died on May 1, 2005
Lisa & Dave Krack -- In memory of our "mixed" dale Gracie.
Rebecca Hansen -- In memory of our dear Holly, who passed away far too soon on October 14, 2004, and in honor of our parents, Stanley and Barbara Hansen, friends to Airedales everywhere.
Michael Doherty -- To honor the 50th wedding anniversary of Jack Beal and Sondra Freckelton.
Kathleen Fisher - Zeus--the best-- still miss you, Buddy
To Arthur Bernstein - In loving memory of your sweet boy, Max. He had a wonderful life with his family. We understand your sadness and hope that happier memories bring comfort to you. With love, Helene, Steve and Family
Sidney Hardie -- In memory of your beloved "Dr. Mac"
In memory of George McElroy Senior of Chicago
Lucy Vogel
Jake Sprankle
Christine Lamb - In loving memory of sweet Jake and June Dutcher, the wonderful lady who allowed me to give him a home.
Michael Krulik - In honor of Winchester, an Airedale and member of the Larry Taube and Dennis Dingler family
Tom & Holly -- In memory of Wolfie -- Happy Holidays, Wayne & Laura
Susan & Alex Harris - In honor of Bob & Robyn Silverberg's 50th Wedding Anniversary
Charlotte Lahar - Memorial Contribution in remembrance of "Lucy" beloved Airedale friend and companion of: Philip, Anne, Nicholas and Rebecca Lahar of Vienna, VA
Giesla Hoelscher - In honor of Bryllo, who made us laugh every day of her 14 years with us. We miss you.
Zachary Mauzé

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